It is common practice to name a font after a city or place. The Hastings fonts are named after Hastings, England the site of many great tournaments that stretch back a century! Listed below are the winners of the past Hastings Tournaments.
1895 Pillsbury, 1919 Capablanca, 1920 Yates, 1921 Kostich, 1922 (town tournament) Alekhine, 1922 Rubinstein, 1923 Euwe, 1924 Maroczy, 1925 Alekhine, 1926 Tartakower, 1927 Tartakower, 1928 Colle, 1929 Capablanca, 1930 Euwe, 1931 Flohr, 1932 Flohr, 1933 Flohr, 1934 Euwe, 1935 Fine, 1936 Alekhine, 1937 Reshevsky, 1938 Szabo, 1939 Parr, 1945 Tartakower, 1946 Alexander, 1947 Szabo, 1948 Rossolimo, 1949 Szabo, 1950 Unzicker, 1951 Gligoric, 1952 Golombeck, 1953 Alexander, 1954 Keres, 1955 Korchnoi, 1956 Gligoric, 1957 Keres, 1958 Uhlmann, 1959 Gligoric, 1960 Gligoric, 1961 Botvinnik, 1962 Gligoric, 1963 Tal, 1964 Keres, 1965 Spassky, 1966 Botvinnik, 1967 Gheorghiu, 1968 Smyslov, 1969 Portisch, 1970 Portisch, 1971 Korchnoi, 1972 Larsen, 1973 Kuzmin, 1974 Hort, 1975 Bronstein, 1976 Romanishin, 1977 Dzindzichashvili, 1978 Andersson, 1979 Andersson, 1980 Andersson, 1981 Kupreichik, 1982 Vaganian, 1983 Karlsson, 1984 Sveshnikov, 1985 Petursson, 1986 Chandler, 1987 Short, 1988 Short, 1989 Dolmatov, 1990 Bareev, 1991 Bareev, 1992 J. Polgar & Bareev, 1993 Nunn, 1994 Luther, 1995 Conquest, Khalifman & Lalic, 1996 Nunn, Hebden & Rozentalis, 1997 Sadler, 1998 Sokolov
The Hastings chess font family includes over 30 chess fonts in both TrueType and PostScript formats and an excellent 14 page User’s Guide. Bold and Italic versions of the fonts are also included. Here is a brief summary of each of the fonts in the Hastings family.
Hastings has the complete set of upper and lower case characters available from a standard keyboard, 50 annotation symbols, 30 foreign language symbols, chess piece symbols for figurine algebraic, all the symbols for chess diagrams with a border and Hastings uses a slightly modified version of the USCF standard keymap for encoding chess information.
HastingsDiagram has the chess diagram symbols in easily remembered and accessible positions on the keyboard, six different diagram borders, checker symbols and three miscellaneous diagram symbols (star, x and +).
HastingsFigurine allows for the conversion of standard algebraic text directly into figurine algebraic by just selecting the text and changing the font. HastingsFigurine works with Dutch, English and German algebraic notation.
HastingsFigurineAlternate is similar to HastingsFigurine but works with French, Hungarian, Italian and Spanish notation.
HastingsRotated90, HastingsRotated180 and HastingsRotated270 can be used to create diagrams for chess variants that require pieces which are rotated 90°, 180° and 270°. The rotated versions include special inside corner border pieces.
HastingsCA, HastingsDiagramCA, HastingsCBWIN and HastingsDiagramCBWIN are compatible with Chess Assistant and ChessBase for Windows. These fonts are only included with the Windows version.
HastingsCBMAC and HastingsDiagramCBMAC are compatible with ChessBase for Macintosh. These fonts are only included with the Macintosh version
The following amazing game between Boris Spassky and David Bronstein is shown using the HastingsDiagram and HastingsFigurine fonts.